Sunday, June 23, 2013

21 Jeans Inspirations

Recently, I started a new project of jeans make over,
yet it took me a long time to get it done, will finish it as soon as I can, promise!
I'm exciting huh?!!
Here are some ideas for jeans recycle or you can just DIY your current jeans

sweet lace jeans
there is a tutorial in the webside, feel free to press in and have a look!
Polka dots jeans! 
This is quite easy to do, so ready your fabric paint and change your jeans' look!!! 
hmmmmm.........well.......check it out! 
patches on the jeans! cute huh?! ^^

fill your house with some cool patterns 
the website shows you how to make your own pillow case!!!

rock the jeans!!!!

cool bag~!!!! 
feels like trying it out!!! XDXD
I love the long skirt~!!! 
Check it out for the tutorial, and make one as your summer gift!
Red Indian style jeans!!! wow~~~~!!!!!

There are some more cool ideas of jeans recycle~
I'm still searching for the tutorial, but at the same time, if you are interested, 
don't be afraid to get your hands dirty!
Try it out! ^^v
Jeans sofa case
some special tic tac toe?!?!?!?!? awesome idea!!!!
toy? for kid? or for me? 
jeans shoes!!!! love them~~~
jeans chair?
omg~~ so cool!!!!!! Can I sit on it?
color pencils holder 
phone case~~~!!!!
elegant jeans dress!
necklace by pieces of jeans!
tie dye jeans top!
the colors were just amazing~~~ my favorite!!!!
Jeans bag! Don't you just love it? XDXD

decoration by extra jeans

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